The Sermons of the Cure D'Ars / For the Sundays and Feasts of the Year
The Sermons of the Cure D'Ars / For the Sundays and Feasts of the Year
Vianney, St John Marie
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St. John Vianney, the Cure d’Ars, though he was not thought competent to preach or hear confessions, became one of the greatest preachers and confessors of his age. The 19th century was one of optimism for French Catholicism, but, following the horrors of the French Revolution, there was also a feeling of lukewarmness and an approach to the moral life that felt sin could not be all that bad.St. John Vianney, on the other hand, would not suffer to see souls be damned for lukewarmness. His preaching permeates with the love of God first and foremost, and clear prescriptions for leading his flock to heaven. Reprinted exactly from the 1901 Wagner edition and unabridged, the Sermons of the Cure d’Ars are arranged for every Sunday of the year according to the 1962 Calendar, as well as the principal feasts of the year.